The construction supervision on surface cleaning, foundation treatment, mechanical and manual reclamation, mechanical rolling and manual ramming for roadbed are described in details in this paper. 对路基的清表、地基处理、机械和人工填筑、机械碾压和人工夯实等施工监理工作内容做了详细论述。
Parsleyis known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural! 人们很早就晓得荷兰芹是最佳肾脏清洗剂,而且它是自然滴。
The utility model has better filter effect, the filter tube can be used repeatedly, and the utility model is suitable for the cleaning treatment of the liquor or gas. 它具有运行效率高,分离净化效果好,过滤管可反复使用,适用于液、气的净化处理。
We will improve the efficiency of cleaning by accelerated heat treatment, while offering the highest standard in the industry. 在严格保持清洗标准的同时,通过加速热处理污垢的清洗来提高效率。
Suitable for grading pellets and crumbles, and the secondary recycled grinding technology as well as the cleaning and grading treatment of some granular and powdery materials. 适用于颗粒料,破碎料的分级和二次循环粉碎工艺,以及一些颗粒、粉料的清理和分级处理。
Problem Exited in Rubber Ball Cleaning Unit& its Treatment Scheme in Shenmu Power Generation Corporation 神木发电公司胶球清洗装置存在的问题及处理方案
All patients underwent focal cleaning and postoperative antituberculous treatment were administered for9-12 months. 所有患者均行病灶清除术治疗,术后抗结核治疗9-12个月。
Cleaning method and emergency treatment of melt filter 熔体过滤器清洗方法及应急处理
It is proposed to strengthen regularly dust and coke cleaning treatment, make dry maintenance to the heaters unused for a long time and improve heater's combustion property. 建议加强炉管定期清灰、清焦处理,对长期停用的炉子进行干法保养,改善加热炉燃烧性能。
Discussion of Cleaning Treatment Technique for PTA Plant Wastewater PTA生产废水净化处理技术探讨
Study on the Process of Neutralization for Acid Cleaning Wastewater Treatment 工业酸洗废水中和法处理工艺的研究溶剂萃取法对苯甲酸废水预处理的研究
Study on Membrane Fouling and Cleaning in Dyeing Wastewater Treatment with MBR MBR处理印染废水的膜污染及清洗研究
The 3-year survival rate in group A was higher than that of group B. Conclusions Side way lymph node cleaning in treatment of low rectal cancer is useful in decreasing the local recurrence, improving living quality and increasing survival rate. 结论对低位直肠癌行侧方淋巴结清扫可降低盆腔复发,改善患者的生存质量,提高生存率,具有临床应用价值。
The Design and Research of Hold Cleaning Sewage Treatment Technology for Tankers 油轮洗舱污水处理工艺的设计研究
Based on the research practice for many years, the hold cleaning sewage treatment technological process for tankers, which has high efficiency, reliable operation and reasonable economy, was designed and researched. 根据多年的研究实践,设计研究了处理效率高、运行可靠、经济合理的油轮洗舱污水处理工艺流程;
Application of energy-saving cleaning agent to heat treatment furnace for steel wire 节能净化剂在钢丝热处理炉上的应用
Study on method of cleaning membrane in treatment of oil field waste water by UF process 超滤法处理油田含油污水膜清洗方法的研究
In this article, the technique progress of LFG purification is summarized, and based on common purification unit operation, various joint processes are proposed for LFG cleaning treatment. 本文总结了国内外填埋气净化技术的进展,并从常用的净化单元操作出发,提出用多种联合工艺对填埋气进行净化处理。
On-line chemical cleaning and water treatment technology of air-conditioner system 中央空调循环水系统的不停车清洗及水处理技术
DTC is characterized by fast cleaning treatment, high-efficiency removing oil, suitable for water treating processes such as separation, gravity sedimentation and floatation. DTC具有净化作用快,除油功效高,适用于分离、重力沉降和浮选等水处理过程。
The present situation of coal-coking production technology is described. The problems existed in pollution control techniques are pointed out, and the novel technology for cleaning production and contaminant treatment is probed. 本文阐述了焦化生产工艺的现状,指出目前焦化生产中污染治理技术存在的问题,探讨焦化清洁生产和污染物治理新技术。
Cleaning and Water Treatment of Freezing Water System of the Central Air Conditioner of Polyester Fiber Equipments 涤纶区中央空调冷冻水系统的清洗及水处理
Cupola Dust Cleaning Treatment of Foundry Shop 铸造车间冲天炉烟尘净化处理
The Development of Anti-fouling and Self-cleaning Surface Treatment Technology for New Roofing Materials 新型篷盖材料表面防污自洁处理技术的开发
However, its cleaning treatment may remove inert and hazardous gases and refine the main constituent, methane, as one kind of clean energy. 经净化处理除去惰性组分和有害气体后,其主要成分CH4又是一种清洁能源。
Cleaning and Germicidal Treatment of Surgical Cavity Mirror 手术腔镜的清洗及灭菌处理
Source of radioactive pollution in the waste water of rare earth metallurgy and its cleaning treatment with pyrolusite 稀土冶金废水中放射性污染源及其软锰矿处理
The implementation of new cleaning treatment and anticorrosion technology on the copper tube surface thoroughly eliminated the "early corrosion" hidden trouble of all heat exchangers connected with the circulating water system, with obvious economic and social benefit gained. 通过实施铜管表面清洁处理和防腐蚀新工艺,彻底消除了与循环水系统相连的所有换热器的“早期腐蚀”隐患,其经济、社会效益十分显著。
The progress in the researches for uranium mill tailings cleaning treatment and no-waste uranium ore milling processes 铀尾矿无害化处理和其产品利用及无废物铀工艺流程研究进展